The End of An Age

When I hear things like the Day of the LORD is quickly approaching & Jesus/Yeshua is coming back, I have to ask, what exactly are people expecting to see in the physical realm with these notions?

When the New Testament speaks of the Day of the LORD, I believe it is referring to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. (with the destruction of the temple/power structure & accompanying power/control figures, which Yeshua prophesied would come to pass), and that has obviously passed.

There was a physical remnant of people that were spared from physical death in that generation — they had to figure out how to live outside the System of that day in order to go on living.

Those who lived in accordance with YHVH’s instructions & Yeshua’s teachings experienced life in a figurative “new Jerusalem” that descended upon the land. They were a nation of priestly-kings, a royal priesthood, living as YHVH intended His Anointed to live.

These were YHVH’s “chosen” — not necessarily descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, but rather descendants of Adam, who walked in accordance with YHVH’s ways, having had their sins atoned for and being figuratively washed clean.

These people had all authority, power & dominion to rule themselves, and they had the ability to intercede on behalf of their fellow man to their Maker as well as act as a light in this world, being a blessing to all the nations, teaching them (in both word & deed) how to live in accordance to our Creator’s Will & His established Natural Law & Order — without the need of a physical king to rule over them or a physical priest to either make physical sacrifices on their behalf or legislate their behavior.

To me, it seems that we are presently living at the end of an age (both, a physical & spiritual one) transitioning into the start of another. And those of us who are prepared to physically live outside the present-day System, operating in accordance with our Heavenly Father’s ways & applying the teachings of Yeshua, will likely be a part of the remnant who will remain standing through this transition & the destruction that will inevitably come for today’s power structure that has been (& continues to be) set up against our Creator & His Ways.

When I read & hear, “Come out of her, my people”, I believe this is a general call through all the ages, to all of mankind who recognize and choose to walk in accordance to Natural Law, to come out of their present-day Systems, which are all destined to fail because they oppose our Creator and His established Natural Order.

What do you think?

About Messyanic

Homesteading Wife, Unschooling Mom and perpetual Bible student, continually taking the road less traveled. (@messyanic)
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7 Responses to The End of An Age

  1. Lauren says:

    I have been writing very similar things – albeit in a more secular manner. I would love to have the opportunity to chat with you. (I sent an email, but am not sure if it’s still active) I would also love to share my writings & receive feedback from you as well.

    Regardless, thank you for your posts. I feel a little less alone! And a little less crazy, too. 🙂

  2. Messyanic says:

    Hi Lauren! Thanks for reaching out to me. Yes, I got your email and just wrote you back.

    As for my posts, you are welcome. When I read comments like this, I have to say I feel a little less alone, too. (And a little less crazy, as well) 🙂

  3. Kay says:

    Hi Carrie,

    Any thoughts or insights on the millennial reign? Thank you!

    • Carrie says:

      I believe Revelation was written in code for a people that lived long ago in a particular region of the world to serve the purpose of delivering a message of hope to that generation which was about to undergo extreme physical (& spiritual) hardship in their land. (The fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD.)

      The hope of reigning with the Anointed when everything else comes crashing down with the foe that had been raging battle against them being bound seems to be the carrot at the end of the stick to encourage the “saints” to endure what they were facing to the end without compromising their faith & obedience to God.

      I think it’s what Christianity seems to consider to be “heaven” — their ultimate aim to be or go when they die.

      Personally, I think those of us who have had our eyes opened to the deceptions of our Enemy ought to be “reigning with the Anointed” now — just as Yeshua ruled himself in accordance to the Father’s Will when he was alive on the land.

      We will likely not receive our “crown” of glory in this lifetime, but I imagine the hope of future glory might be a needed incentive for many to press on, particularly when the trials & tribulations of this life become overwhelming.

      For me, I don’t give much thought about what happens to me after I die. Rather, I think a lot about what life will be like in this world for those who remain alive after I’m gone.

      • Kay says:

        Carrie, thank you so much for your very thoughtful reply. I really appreciate it. Like you, I also believe that it’s how we live our lives that truly matters, not what happens afterward. Eternal life, in Scripture, is not about physical immortality or being able to live forever (be it in the heavens or on the land). I see it as pertaining to Yah’s word being kept alive in us, through our obedience (living it) and teaching others to do the same. His WORD is LIFE for us and it is ETERNAL. If each one of us will be able to just do the conclusion of the matter in Ecclesiastes, this world will be heaven on earth indeed!

        Yah bless you!

        • Hillary says:

          Good afternoon,
          I believe the same as you! Revelation is not a book about the end of the world, rather it is code for the end of the world after Jesus death. In fact most of the events in revelation have come to pass, but not during our lifetime in the 20th century.

          No one knows what happens to us after death, there are many ppl with Near Death Experiences and they each have different experiences.

          One thing I do know, God doesn’t want us trying to see into the future, but rather invest our time and energy with the present.

          • Messyanic says:

            “God doesn’t want us trying to see into the future, but rather invest our time and energy with the present.” I agree, Hillary. Thanks for commenting. 🙂

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