The Bible: A Treasure Trove Weaponized

Personally, I see the Bible as a treasure trove of wisdom.

Unfortunately, I believe the Bible has been weaponized by the Enemy of our soul to destroy mankind.

Our Enemy’s Primary Aim: Destroy Mankind

Through deceptive manipulation, I believe the Bible has been used by agents of our Enemy to destroy us by presenting a faulty understanding of the value, design & intended purpose for the existence of mankind.

We’ve been taught that man is now fundamentally flawed due to Original Sin, referring to the Fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden, and that we are all inherently sinners. Therefore, we are all automatically separated from God at the onset of our lives.

Furthermore, we’ve been led to believe that we are only human (as if being human was somehow inadequate), incapable of ruling & governing ourselves and thereby unable to be without sin.

We’re told we need someone to mediate on our behalf — and that it is up to us to find that intermediary and accept that figure as Lord over us in order to receive forgiveness and be brought into good standing with our Maker.

We’re also told that this world (the earth, in particular) is either being ruled by our Enemy or by God. Therefore, we are led to believe that we have no real control over what happens here.

All of this is conveyed by the teachings & traditions of men who use the Bible as an authoritative vessel by which these notions are made known to us, claiming the book is the inerrant Word of God.

Beyond this, through additional deceptive manipulation, the Bible has been used to destroy society as a whole by agents of our Enemy leading mankind into idolatry and igniting a fervent passion to serve the will of the wrong spiritual father (the Father of Lies).

In doing so, this leads to the immobilization of the masses to act appropriately, and the mobilization to act inappropriately, in the face of evil.

As a result, not only is the natural environment in which we’ve been set to live severely harmed, but so is our fellow man, and the ripple effects of this harm carries forward into future generations.

All of which are done, not by the hand of our Enemy, but by our own hands.

It’s deplorable.

Because I see this, I am compelled to do something about it. Moreso now than ever before.

Therefore, I am once again ramping up my efforts to share what I’ve learned regarding the Bible with anyone who will lend me their time, attention and energy.

And my hope and call is for all those who hear me to please consider & process what I have to say and then, act appropriately to bring about a positive change for ourselves & our personal sphere of influence.

Going forward, my intention is to focus on:

  • Sharing the wisdom I’ve gleaned from my personal studies of the Bible, in conjunction with my personal homesteading, child-rearing, unschooling, self-employment & community-building experience.
  • Untangling some of the so-called Bible teachings & supposedly Biblical traditions of man, which I’ve encountered & personally investigated.
  • Using my YouTube channel to teach in-depth what I’ve found when I sought out the Bible to dismantle the Virgin Birth doctrine, in particular.

[NOTE: If you would like me to personally notify you when new posts are generated on this website, then please send an email to Carrie-at-messyanic-dot-com, and I’ll add you to my email distribution list.]

Please Help Me

If you appreciate & agree with what you read on this website and/or hear on my YouTube channel, please share it. (I am not on any major social media channels, other than YouTube, and my energy, time & resources are limited.)

And of course, always feel free to contact me if you ever want to discuss further anything I put forward. (Just send an email to Carrie-at-messyanic-dot-com.)

Thank you, sincerely, for any help you can give in spreading whatever I put forth that resonates with your spirit to be true.

About Messyanic

Homesteading Wife, Unschooling Mom and perpetual Bible student, continually taking the road less traveled. (@messyanic)
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One Response to The Bible: A Treasure Trove Weaponized

  1. Pingback: Video-making Journey Continues | Messyanic

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