What About Daniel 7:25 and the set times?

Confusing the Moed

Daniel 7:25  And he will say words against the Most High, attempting to put an end to the saints of the Most High; and he will have the idea of changing times and law; and the saints will be given into his hands for a time and times and half a time.

I believe that this prophetic Scripture speaks to us in our current time frame as well as holding multiple fulfillments in the past and future.  I see fruit of the spirit of anti-messiah working effectively in the Constantinian religion that Yahweh was gracious enough to lead me out of.  To the very core there is opposition to obedience to the set times set forth in Genesis onward.  The deception is great.  The deception is effective for the vast majority that would rather stick with the traditions of men.  There is first day worship to replace Yahweh’s Shabbat and pagan holidays to replace his appointed feasts.  Confusion, division and stubborn hardheartedness ensues.  It seems that fundamentals have been twisted by a very clever and relentless enemy.  He begins his attack in the beginning, Bereshit.

I see fruit of the spirit of anti-messiah working effectively in the camp of Israel that Yahwew was gracious enough to lead me into.  To the very core there is opposition to obedience to the set times set forth in Genesis onward.  The deception is great.  The deception is effective for those that would rather stick with the traditions of men.  In great part these men are spiritual leaders of Judah that do not know Messiah.   Confusion and stubborn hardheartedness ensues.  It seems that fundamentals have been twisted by a very clever and relentless enemy.  He begins his attack in the beginning, Bereshit.

Seems a bit harsh?  Indeed.  Take a step back and look at the fruit.  Look at Pesach.  When and how do we do it?  Look at the reckoning of the day and month.  We are all over the place, divided here and there.  There is nearly a week long window for any given moed. Confusion is not the way of our Father.  We need to test everything and grab a hold of his truth wherever it may lead us.  It is time for us to grow up and stop doing a weak copy of what our brother Judah is doing.  It does not seem that we are much of a cause of jealousy.  Just look at the condition of our camp.

Our enemy has confused the set times.  Let go about our Father’s business and get things fixed.  He will lead the humble and contrite into his truth for his own glory and the enemy will be set outside the camp.

Let me close with a question.  I am not stating that there is error but merely suggesting the mere possibility to make a point.  If the day was not reckoned from even to even, would you be willing to put your candles, fancy tables and meals, blessings etc. to the side.  I have been to many places where these things are done.  It is almost always mentioned that these traditions of men are not scriptural but we do them anyway.  Traditions are fine as long as you are not clinging to them beyond what Father says.  I came out of a similar situation just a short while ago to begin my journey as a Messianic Misfit.  They didn’t like my questions either.

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