Connecting With You Through Video

About a month ago, I took on a 30-day Ignite Video Challenge to get comfortable with doing short videos for the purpose of connecting with my audience. It was wonderful!

I finished the course earlier this week and mustered up enough courage to go public. So, today marks Day 1 of my video-making journey at my Messyanic YouTube channel.

And in this video I share why I’ve chosen to do video. Check it out…

I plan on doing short weekly videos addressing a wide variety of topics, such as:

  • Personal Stories and Experiences from the various paths I’ve taken
  • Tips and Solutions for studying the Bible and other related resources
  • My Aha! Moments
  • New Perspectives on traditional teachings
  • My Vision for the world
  • Explanation on my Biblical understanding
  • Answering Frequently Asked Questions

If you’d like to connect with me on any of these subjects through video, then please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’d love to share this journey with you!

Posted in Encouragement / Advice, Video | 1 Comment

Why Joseph Knew Her Not Till Mary Brought Forth

Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS. (Matthew 1:24-25 KJV)

People often point to this passage as evidence that Joseph never had relations with his wife, however this statement is made after Mary had already conceived as revealed in verses 18.

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as [For] his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost [spirit]. (Matthew 1:18 KJV revisions mine)

This verse reads: For his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph before they came together. The fact that she was found with child of holy spirit is a separate thought.

Naturally, Joseph would have had relations with his wife in order for her to conceive.

But why is this detail given of Joseph in verse 25, that he knew her not until she brought forth her firstborn?

It’s not unlawful for a man to know his wife while she’s pregnant, and from what I understand it is not thought to be a harmful practice either. So why would the man refrain from knowing his wife during that time?

Josephus Provides Cultural Insight

Evidently, according to the historian Josephus, there were three main sects of Jews living in the days of Joseph and Mary. Two of these are mentioned by name in the New Testament: the Pharisees and the Saducees. The third is identified in Josephus’ The Wars of the Jews, Book 2, chapter 8: the Essens or Essenes.

The Essenes were a more devout sect, having particular practices among them that distinguished them from their fellow Jews. While many within that sect do not marry, some do — for the primary purpose of procreation.

Here’s what Josephus had to say about them:

13. Moreover, there is another order of Essens, who agree with the rest as to their way of living, and customs, and laws, but differ from them in the point of marriage, as thinking that by not marrying they cut off the principal part of human life, which is the prospect of succession; nay, rather, that if all men should be of the same opinion, the whole race of mankind would fail.

However, they try their spouses for three years; and if they find that they have their natural purgations thrice, as trials that they are likely to be fruitful, they then actually marry them. But they do not use to accompany with their wives when they are with child, as a demonstration that they do not marry out of regard to pleasure, but for the sake of posterity.

Now the women go into the baths with some of their garments on, as the men do with somewhat girded about them. And these are the customs of this order of Essens. (Josephus’ Wars of the Jews 2.8.13)

It appears to me that Joseph may have not known Mary while she was with child, as a demonstration that they do not marry out of regard to pleasure, but for the sake of posterity.

I wonder if tend to think the mention of Joseph being righteous in verse 19 was a clue as to him being akin to the Essene sect. And the fact that he minded to send Mary away during her pregnancy so as not to make a show of her were clues as well. Maybe not. Either way though, t Thanks to this tidbit of insight into the Jewish culture at that time, it makes sense to me as a reasonable answer to my long-held question on the matter. [Edited 9/7/19]

For an alternate reasonable and Biblical explanation to the virgin birth story, found in Luke 1 and Matthew 1, visit

Posted in Jesus / Yeshua, Virgin Birth Doctrine | 1 Comment

The Lineage of Luke 3:23-38 – Jesus, the Son of God

The author of Matthew introduces his book with a genealogy of Jesus Christ, specifically calling it a book of the generation (or a book of genesis):

The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. (Matthew 1:1 KJV)

Whereas, the author of Luke provides a list of names in chapter 3 that appears to be a genealogy of Jesus, except it is never referred to as such.

We recognize the names from Adam down to Nathan as being genealogical in nature because we have genealogical records given in the Old Testament to compare it with. But most of the names between Nathan and Joseph are unfamiliar to us.

Many have understood this list of names as being the genealogical record of Mary, but I’ve had difficulty accepting that notion for quite a while now, because it seems very odd to me that the author would present it without making any mention of her.

Enter Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History

This past week, I was listening to a series of YouTube videos on the genealogy of Jesus just to get an idea of the different thoughts/teachings circulating in the public these days, and I stumbled across the following gem:

This explanation actually made a lot of sense to me. Joseph is the physical son of Jacob as recorded in Matthew 1, but he is the son of Heli by the law of Deuteronomy 25:5-6. Jacob and Heli are brothers, having different fathers, but are of the same mother.

[Watch the above video if you have not done so already. It illustrates this point beautifully.]

Now, why would Luke include this lineage here?  Continue reading

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Mary, of Whom Was Born Jesus

Many suggest the genealogy given in Matthew 1 is hinting at a Virgin Birth given the unique wording surrounding Mary, of whom was born Jesus.

And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. (Matthew 1:16 KJV)

The thought is that it was the author’s intent to indicate Jesus was born of Mary, but not begotten of Joseph.

But is that really what the author sought to convey?  Continue reading

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To Take Unto Thee Mary Thy Wife

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

Then Joseph her husband, being a just [man], and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:18-21 KJV)

I believe there is a misconception of what the messenger was saying to Joseph, when he said “fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife” (KJV), or according to the YLT, “to receive Mary thy wife“. (Some translations even insert the word “as” between Mary and thy wife.)

Many understand this statement as speaking of Joseph and Mary coming together as husband and wife in holy matrimony, as in a formal ceremony.

I think this stems from two things:

  1. The reading of the preceding passage “before their coming together” as being a reference to marital relations or a ceremony of holy matrimony, and
  2. The expression “to take a wife“, used throughout the Bible.

But is this what the source text is alluding to?  Continue reading

Posted in Jesus / Yeshua, Virgin Birth Doctrine, What About? verses | 5 Comments

What is Hell?

A friend recently posted the following verse on Facebook, pointing to the reference to hell:

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.  (Matthew 10:28 KJV)

This got me to ask the question, What is Hell?

I typically don’t rely on definitions of the English words translated to understand the meanings of the author, when they wrote in a different language. While definitions of the English words can be helpful, I think getting to the definition/meaning of the word used in the source language of the text is more beneficial.

Let me demonstrate…  Continue reading

Posted in Precept Upon Precept, Walking in the Ways of the Creator, What About? verses | Tagged | Leave a comment

I Don’t Believe the Virgin Birth Doctrine

For months now I have been compiling two Biblical Study Guides on “The Birth of Jesus Christ”, one according to Luke-Acts, and the other according to Matthew.

The intent of this project has been to encourage others to study the Bible for themselves regarding this subject. But I’ve been chomping at the bit to talk about what I’m personally seeing in the Bible as it relates to this matter.

I don’t believe the Virgin Birth Doctrine.

So many think the Bible puts forth the notion that Jesus was conceived and born of a virgin, without having been known by a man, but I firmly believe that is not the case at all.

Rather, I believe that it is a teaching of man that has been handed down over the centuries and that notion was worked into various English translations of a few key verses. But the source texts tell a different story.  Continue reading

Posted in Jesus / Yeshua, John the Baptist, Virgin Birth Doctrine | 20 Comments

Nothing Shall Be Impossible With God

Many in the Virgin Birth Doctrinal claim camp understand the statement, nothing shall be impossible with God in Luke 1:37 is specifically pertaining to Mary and the child she will conceive.

But is Mary to whom the messenger was referring?

Read Genesis 18:10-14 in the Septuagint:

And he said, I will return and come to thee according to this period seasonably, and Sarrha thy wife shall have a son; and Sarrha heard at the door of the tent, being behind him. And Abraam and Sarrha were old, advanced in days, and the custom of women ceased with Sarrha.

And Sarrha laughed in herself, saying, The thing has not as yet happened to me, even until now, and my lord is old. And the Lord said to Abraam, Why is it that Sarrha has laughed in herself, saying, Shall I then indeed bear? but I am grown old. Shall anything be impossible with the Lord? At this time I will return to thee seasonably, and Sarrha shall have a son. (Genesis 18:10-14 Brenton)

Given what the author of Luke has already revealed concerning Elisabeth earlier in chapter 1, in conjunction with the messenger’s reference to her in verse 36, to whom do you think the messenger intended this statement, “nothing shall be impossible with God”, to pertain: Elisabeth or Mary?

Would a virgin espoused to a man receiving news of a future conception and birth be considered an impossibility?

Why then, do you think the messenger draws Mary’s attention to Elisabeth’s condition?

[- excerpt from The Birth of Jesus Christ – According to Luke and Acts: A Biblical Study Guide to be released in October 2017]

Posted in John the Baptist, Virgin Birth Doctrine | Leave a comment

Before Their Coming Together

So many English translations insist the phrase “before their coming together” in Matthew 1:18 applies to that which comes after it, but the Greek text tells a different story.

The application of this phrase to the latter part of this verse is needed to prop up the Virgin Birth Doctrinal notion of Joseph not being the biological father of Jesus.

However, an honest look at the Greek text demonstrates this phrase applies to the former part of the verse. See for yourself:

So what’s the big deal?

Why would the author point this detail out?

Doesn’t everyone get betrothed before their coming together?  Continue reading

Posted in Jesus / Yeshua, Precept Upon Precept, Virgin Birth Doctrine | Leave a comment

Free From the Calendar Debate

I’m so glad to be free from the “calendar” debate!

Chasing after the sun, moon and stars to determine when to “appear before the LORD” is so last-year for me.

No offense is meant to those searching these things out now. Keep searching — don’t settle on doing what everyone else is doing just because everyone else is doing it. Be able to give a sound reason for why you do what you do.

I’ve shared some of my notes on my past calendar study for anyone who might be interested in comparing notes with me.

From time to time I go back and make revisions based on newer understanding, but they may not all be updated. So, please, continue to do your own homework on the matter.

Something Changed with Yeshua

It is my understanding that ever since Yeshua/Jesus came on the scene, the ceremonial calendar which was kept by the Levitical priesthood, meant for appointments with the Most High at the place where He placed His name, was taken away from the children of Israel — and anyone else who chose to enter covenant with them…for good reason.

As evidenced by the way so many behave, the “calendar” is used as a power mechanism by some to lord it over the laity, as well as being carried around as either a badge of honor or a heavy burden by others. 🙁

What can we learn from that system? <– That is the key.  Continue reading

Posted in Appointed Times of YHVH, Day of Atonement - Yom Kippur, Day of Shouting - Yom Teruah, Encouragement / Advice, Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks - Shavuot, Jesus / Yeshua, Passover - Pesach, Sabbath Day - Shabbath, YHVH Elohim/God | Leave a comment