When I hear things like the Day of the LORD is quickly approaching & Jesus/Yeshua is coming back, I have to ask, what exactly are people expecting to see in the physical realm with these notions?
When the New Testament speaks of the Day of the LORD, I believe it is referring to the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. (with the destruction of the temple/power structure & accompanying power/control figures, which Yeshua prophesied would come to pass), and that has obviously passed.
There was a physical remnant of people that were spared from physical death in that generation — they had to figure out how to live outside the System of that day in order to go on living.
Those who lived in accordance with YHVH’s instructions & Yeshua’s teachings experienced life in a figurative “new Jerusalem” that descended upon the land. They were a nation of priestly-kings, a royal priesthood, living as YHVH intended His Anointed to live.
These were YHVH’s “chosen” — not necessarily descendants of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, but rather descendants of Adam, who walked in accordance with YHVH’s ways, having had their sins atoned for and being figuratively washed clean.
These people had all authority, power & dominion to rule themselves, and they had the ability to intercede on behalf of their fellow man to their Maker as well as act as a light in this world, being a blessing to all the nations, teaching them (in both word & deed) how to live in accordance to our Creator’s Will & His established Natural Law & Order — without the need of a physical king to rule over them or a physical priest to either make physical sacrifices on their behalf or legislate their behavior.
To me, it seems that we are presently living at the end of an age (both, a physical & spiritual one) transitioning into the start of another. And those of us who are prepared to physically live outside the present-day System, operating in accordance with our Heavenly Father’s ways & applying the teachings of Yeshua, will likely be a part of the remnant who will remain standing through this transition & the destruction that will inevitably come for today’s power structure that has been (& continues to be) set up against our Creator & His Ways.
When I read & hear, “Come out of her, my people”, I believe this is a general call through all the ages, to all of mankind who recognize and choose to walk in accordance to Natural Law, to come out of their present-day Systems, which are all destined to fail because they oppose our Creator and His established Natural Order.
What do you think?