Overview: From In the Beginning to the Third Day of Creation

  1. Introduction – Explanation of Messyanic’s personal Bible study exercises.
  2. Genesis 1:1 – God, Creator of the Heaven and the Earth
  3. Genesis 1:2 – Earth, Without Form and Void & the Spirit of God
  4. Genesis 1:3-5 – The Light and the Darkness Called Day and Night
  5. Genesis 1:6-8 – The Firmament Called Heaven
  6. Genesis 1:9-10 – The Dry Land and the Gathering of the Water Called Earth and Seas
  7. Genesis 1:11-13 – Seed-bearing Herbs and Fruit Trees, Reproducing After Like Kind

Recommended Resources:

Would you like a glossary of every Hebrew word used in Genesis 1:1-13 in .pdf format? If so, simply send an email to Carrie-at-Messyanic-dot-com and ask me for it. 🙂

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