My Significant Forks

There are many divergent paths from the main thoroughfare that I have taken over the years through my personal course of Bible study.

These are the most significant forks that I have personally come across thus far, followed by the questions I found myself asking.


What does it mean for us to be holy?

The Law 

Why are we told to only obey some of the Old Testament law, but not all of it? What about the 4th Commandment regarding keeping the 7th day, the Sabbath day, holy, and the Dietary Law that forbids the consumption of certain kinds of meat, such as pig’s meat and shellfish?

The Sabbath Day and the Feasts of the LORD

What does it look like to keep the Sabbath Day and the Feasts of the LORD?

The Calendar: Elements of Time

How do I determine the start of days, weeks, months and years?

The Nature of God

Does the Bible really speak of God in three persons (a.k.a. the trinity doctrine)?

The Nature of Jesus/Yeshua

Was Jesus really born of a virgin without the help of a man (a.k.a. the virgin birth doctrine)?

The Heavens with the Sun, Moon and Stars

Are we really spinning on an axis, and whirling through the heavens around the sun?

The Earth vs. The Land and Seas

Are we really living on a globe or is the earth flat?

The Purpose of Mankind

What is the created purpose of mankind at large?

The Purpose of the Messiah/Christ

What is the purpose of the Messiah?

The Temple in Jerusalem

Is building a third temple a good thing? Why were the first two destroyed?

The Sacrificial System

What was the purpose of the animal sacrifices? Did something change: when and why?

The Consumption of Meat

If mankind was created from the beginning with the intention of specifically eating from the plants and trees, should we be eating the meat of animals? What was the purpose for distinguishing between clean and unclean meat? 

So which direction did I take at each fork, and what was the overall path? 

I’ll give you a hint: it was a road less traveled in nearly every case. 

If you’re curious about my two most significant studies, you can check out my Biblical Calendar journey and my stance on the Virgin Birth Doctrine. <– Trigger warning: Anti-popular foundational notions ahead. Proceed with caution.